Kerli Tea Party video testo

Tea Party” è una canzone registrata dalla cantante Kerli che è stato il terzo singolo tratto da Alice nel paese delle meraviglie colonna sonora di “Almost Alice“. La canzone sarà distribuito da Buena Vista Records come un CD e download digitale. L’album dovrebbe essere pubblicato il 2 marzo 2010.
Puoi goderti il video e il testo di Kerli Tea Party qui sotto!

[youtube XPdA87S6QEI nolink]

Kerli Tea Party video testo

Welcome to the Tea Party
Want to be my VIP?
You didn’t RSVP
That’s ok, that’s ok
Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP?
When I all steamed up, hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

Your appetite is flex
I got the table set
Don’t get your dribble on my
T-t-table yet

I got the goodies baked
Got more than you can take
Just try and nibble on my biscuits and my rainbow cake

Let’s be traditional
And non commissional
Got my elbows down, pinkies up
That’s the way you sip my cup

Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP? (oh oh, oh oh)
You didn’t RSVP (oh oh, oh oh)
That’s ok, that’s ok (oh oh, oh oh)
Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP?
When I all steamed up, hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

Try not to move so fast
You know the sir comes last
I’m the lady fatha mucka try to show some class

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Don’t drink the last cup
We keep it boiling hot
We keep the party moving till we drink the last drop

Let’s be traditional
And non commissional
Got my elbows down, pinkies up
That’s the way you sip my cup

Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP? (oh oh, oh oh)
You didn’t RSVP (oh oh, oh oh)
That’s ok, that’s ok (oh oh, oh oh)
Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP?
When I all steamed up, hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

I know this night is like no other
You’re not just another

I know it’s only getting better
As long as we’re together

I know this night is like no other
You’re not just another

Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP? (oh oh, oh oh)
You didn’t RSVP (oh oh, oh oh)
That’s ok, that’s ok (oh oh, oh oh)
Welcome to the Tea Party (oh oh, oh oh)
Want to be my VIP?
When I all steamed up, hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

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