Depeche Mode Fragile Tension canzone video testo

Depeche Mode rilascieranno uno speciale “double A side”, “Fragile Tension” e “Hole To Feed“.

Qui di seguito l’elenco completo completo per tutti i formati.

Ulteriori dettagli per le date di rilascio degli Stati Uniti digitali sono ancora pendenti. qui sotto Fragile Tension.

Stay tuned!
[youtube lD87Hbm9mrI]

Depeche Mode Fragile Tension canzone video testo

There’s a fragile tension
That’s keeping us going
It may not last forever
But always is flowing

It’s something magical in the air
Something so tragic we have to care

There’s a strange obsession
It’s drawing us nearer
We don’t understand it
It never gets clearer

It’s something mystical in our dreams
It’s so simplistic it kicks and screams

Oh well, we’ll seem to reek
On the edge of collapse
Nothing can keep us down

There’s a dizzying feeling
That’s keeping us flying
Through glittering gauntlet
Without even trying

It’s something radical in our hands
But nothing logical to our plans

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