The Shepard's Song Testo

Testo The Shepard's Song

You say that you are my sheep,
why aren't you following me?
You say that I am your shepherd,
why aren't you following me?
When My sheep hear my voice,
they come running to me, running to me
And you say I am your shepherd,
Why aren't you following me?
Verse 1
I told my sheep to visit the sick
And to take the stranger in.
When you see someone who's naked,
Use your wool to cover their skin;
And you say I am your shepherd,
Why aren't you following me?
Verse 2
I told my sheep to love one another,
even your enemies too;
but you have love for only those
who have that love for you.
And you say I am your shepherd,
Why aren't you following me?
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